Sunday, August 24, 2014

Always have. Always will

There's a lot of untold stories to tell, a lot of memories to share. I could go forever with the list. Here's 50 things with Sid I'll surely miss...

I miss:
1. Texting you "i love you" in the morning
2. Spending time with you even if we do not have anything to talk about
3. Running out of time because we have a lot to talk about
4. Sleeping in the sofa next to you cause I don't like sleeping in the bedroom
5. How you use my toothbrush and how I use yours
6. How you constantly tickle my armpit
7. How I always make "pugay" of your armpit
8. Your kiss that wakes me in the morning
9. Your best tocino with fresh tomatoes and perfect rice for lunch when we were in college
10. How we held hands and tell each other "never let go"
11. The times when we split chores: you washing the clothes, while I do the dishes (vice versa)
12. Folding your clothes 'cause you suck at it
13. Our late night dorm bonding of playing DOTA battling it out with AI
14. How we prepare and go to school together and that kiss on the lips before we part for class
15. Running marathons with you
16. How we try hard to save money for our weekly date at Zark's
17. Doing groceries with you during Mondays, budgeting for the whole week
18. How we helped each other with our Aerodynamics, Supersonic and Design reports
19. How we take videos of our crazy selves
20. Going to the cinema just to watch a movie that we like even if it's out of our budget
21. How we split the check during our dates to complement each other
22. How we love buffets that we would go the extra mile just to save for it and satisfy our cravings
23. How close we've gotten with each other's families..YOU are my family
24. How you sneak into reading my diary and sabotaging me by drawing and writing on it
25. The times when we look at each other and know exactly what the other has in mind
26. How we take an effort of naming our stuffs (cellphones, diaries, laptops, etc.)
27. Playing with you and Kobelove
28. Giving you massages though I suck at it
29. How you will ask me if I wanted to drive and I will never hesitate to go drive for you
30. Going to church with you
31. How carefree we both can be at each other's company that burping, picking nose, smelling each other's feet and/or farting is okay
32. Exploring places with you
33. Being classmates with you in our favorite class and how we make it to the point to never miss a single day
34. How we randomly buy beer and munchies in a random movie night at the dorm
35. How we fit in a single size mattress below our double deck and how we dump our stuffs at the top bed
36. How we care for each other especially if the other's under asthma attack
37. How we play with each other's smurf-like noses
38. How we mess with Train stations (going through the same entrance, pretending to be pregnant, etc) just so we only pay for one and skip the line
39. Motorcycle riding with you and the kids when we buy stuffs downtown
40. Making graham cakes with you and you asking permission if you could get the bigger portion (but most of the time we battle for it
41. Hoarding Mcdonalds coupons with you so that when were in a tight budget, we go for the 99's or 50's
42. Walking with you under the sun and you easily get irritated cause you sweat a lot
43.  How we quote movie lines and say it to each other ("Will you still love me in the morning?" "Forever and ever, babe")
44. Just staring at you, picturing the rest of my life with you
45. How we talk about our future plans about everything (we even designed our future house)
46. How you rarely crack jokes and when you do, id go rolling on the floor laughing cause they're so unexpected
47. Having butterflies in my stomach at the thought that we're going to see each other
48. When you hug me so tight. Makes me feel so secure
49. The feeling that we love each other so much
50. YOU

P.S. I miss US

You will always have this special place in my heart. I love you

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